Adventure of Baldero

This version of the game was replaced by an HD version found here: Adventure of Baldero HD

V3 Update (Final)

- Intro cutscene progresses now on player input rather then timer.

- Player character has no initial ground friction.

- This is the final update for this game as I am making an HD version (small screen starting to annoy me :P)

V2 Update:

- Created a cut scene when the player presses Play (can be avoided via load) in usual Ervenfell fashion (you start off in a dream talking to a god).

- Fixed Boss 5, if it touches you, it now does damage, as was intended.

- Had to edit the save file, It did not compare unlocked levels (say you want to replay level 3 but already completed level 5 so far, it would save that you unlocked up to level 4, so that is fixed now, sorry if you had a level 10 done save file)

- Fallbox now damages you if you are below it.


A small adventure platformer I made. If you have issues with the web version of the game, zipped versions of the game for windows x32 or x64 are available for download.

You play as the Adventurer Baldero, a bold and bald hero. A remote forest village needs your help with abominations. This is part of the Ervenfell universe.


Coins are needed only in Level 2, Level 7, Level 8 and Level 10 to open doors in order to progress. Other then those levels, they can unlock secret victory doors to take alternative routes or avoid fighting the level boss.

In Level 8 you can read more about the creatures of Ervenfell which are in this game.


Gamepad should work (xbox alike), also firing is possible with Enter for a better experience then the F key.